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Which Hand Soap Is Best For Winter?

Smoother Skin, Hands Down!



There are certain times when taking care of your body can come at the cost of your skin. There's no better evidence of this than when cleaning your hands. We do have some good news, though - you no longer have to sacrifice your skin health when cleaning your hands this winter!

The reason it’s more important than ever you use all-natural hand soap is because now you're cleaning your hands more than usual (and also when you need to clean your hands more than usual), because the cold weather season is when germs more easily spread, and when colds and flus sicken more people. (1)

Unfortunately, when you've tried to keep your body healthy in the past, you may have been exposing yourself to some serious skin dryness and damage. Well, it’s never been easier to enjoy not only healthier hands, but also a healthier you with the right all-natural hand soap!

In this blog we talk about the importance of ALL-NATURAL HAND SOAP, and how you can enjoy HYDRATED HANDS and HEALTHY SKIN all winter long!






The first thing to know about handwashing is that it can be dangerous, especially in the winter. This is because of the necessity to clean your hands even more to keep your hands and body healthy during the cold-weather season. There are many reasons you do this; one of the major ones is that in the winter people huddle together more in less airy spaces.

Not only are people stuck together more frequently in the winter, but many of the diseases that can be transferred from person to person in these settings, like COVID-19 and the flu, are actually caused by viruses that enjoy the cooler temperature, making spreading these viruses even more plausible. (2)



Now we probably don’t have to go on too much about the importance of washing your hands, but it's worth mentioning just how essential it is that you use soap. This is because soap will get rid of more bacteria than plain old water – making the soap you use more important than you might've previously thought. (3)


QUICK TIP: Moisturizing is essential to keep the hydration of your hands at healthy levels! Moisturize throughout the day and between washings with what will help you, not hurt you, this winter. (4)


Knowing hand soap is important is just half the battle. You then have to choose the all-natural hand soap that can best benefit you and your skin. This means keeping away from dangerous ingredients that can harm your hands further, all the while boosting yourself with hydrating ingredients that will work for you even after you've finished washing. (5)

It's also important you use an all-natural hand soap that contains gentle ingredients and fatty acids, necessities when picking your hand soap. A hand soap with fatty acids will also mean less splitting of your hands, as these ingredients boost your skin health over time. (5)

You should also avoid over-the-counter hand soaps, which can so easily harm your skin. Many of these hand soaps make it a priority to kill just about everything on your hands, which is why it’s so important your hand soap contain a good mix of hydrating ingredients, ones which will help to rejuvenate your hands and kill the germs present there. (6)



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One of the big problems over-the-counter hand soaps can cause is dermatitis – another word for irritation of your skin. Unfortunately, there is no one way to describe dermatitis, as it can effect some people so severely that they may suffer even worse from it as time goes on, and can experience splits, itches, and irritated skin.

Some people can even experience bleeding from the dermatitis caused by over-the-counter hand soaps. On an even more severe level, some people can suffer from breathing problems as a result of the consequences of using the wrong hand soap. (7) (8)



Some over-the-counter hand soaps can also cause hand sores, while some may cause rashes. Unfortunately, the wrong hand soap can even cause you to suffer from allergic reactions that can have devastating effects on you and your skin, including potential irritation and cancer. (9)


QUICK TIP: Natural oils help keep your skin from irritation caused by pollutants, as well as infection-causing germs. Keep more of those dangerous irritants from harming your skin with the right ingredients in the right hand soap for you. (10)


Another serious problem with over-the-counter hand soaps is that they may affect people with eczema. Over-the-counter hand soaps with chemicals and alcohols can make your previously bad hand problems worse, drying out your skin and causing those suffering from eczema to experience painful symptoms.

To ensure your hands are well-protected, you need to not only ensure your hand soap is all-natural and hydrating, but also that you’re moisturizing your hands afterwards, while not harming your skin with ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfates, which can severely irritate your skin. (11)

Another dangerous link between allergy-related dermatitis as a result of the hygiene of your hands and irritant contact dermatitis is that sometimes respiratory problems can be confused with allergy-related dermatitis, creating a sometimes dangerous situation if you don’t truly know what’s truly causing your health problems. (12)



To enjoy better skin health this winter, clean your hands with the essential oils and organic ingredients in Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Organic Hand Soap, a gentle but effective soap that will leave your skin instantly clean and hydrated!


Check Out All Three Varieties:


And don't forget your kids! Enjoy the pure and natural ingredients in Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Foaming Kids Hand Soap, a plant-based, eco-friendly, and organic way to keep your kid's skin clean and hydrated, while being gentle on their sensitive skin!


Check Out All Three Varieties:





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*Disclaimer: Contact a doctor/health care professional if you have any questions about you or your kid's/baby's health. Don't ignore medical guidance or delay getting help because of content on this site. The content on this site is not meant to replace or as a substitute for any advice, treatment, or diagnosis from a medical health professional. The content on this site is not medical advice or guidance. Speak to a health care professional before you or your kid/baby begin any kind of medical/skincare routine. We are not fully guaranteeing prevention or remedying of any infections, skin problems, or diseases with the content on this site or with our products. Speak to a health care professional when mixing skincare products. Speak to a health care professional before essential oil use.












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