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Sugar In Toothpaste?! What You Need To Know Today!

The Sour Truth!


When people think of the one oral care product they use each and every day, it’s probably toothpaste. But what if I told you that this oral care product could actually be causing you harm, and the need for costly – and painful – oral care procedures difficult to remedy?

Well, this is true, as over-the-counter toothpastes often contain sugar, or other artificial sweeteners that can oftentimes be even sweeter than sugar! What’s worse is this sugar is not even helping you – it’s simply used as a means of masking the dangerous chemicals and artificial ingredients within them. (1)

Well, here’s some good news: there is an ALL-NATURAL TOOTHPASTE that contains exclusively ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS not masked by artificial sweeteners, sugars, or other dangerous ingredients over-the-counter manufacturers hope you overlook.

In this blog we talk about the danger of sugar in over-the-counter toothpaste, and how you can enjoy your BEST ORAL HEALTH and STRONGEST TEETH today!





Say no to sugars and artificial sweeteners with our assortment of SUGAR-FREE and ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE PRODUCTS today!


Sugar might be in some of your favorite sweet treats, but considering its debilitating effects on your teeth, the one place you definitely don’t want it is in your toothpaste. Unfortunately, it’s found in many over-the-counter toothpastes – where it can cause you poor oral health and other, possibly even more dangerous health problems, like diabetes and elevated blood pressure.

In addition to problems with your general health, the sugar in over-the-counter toothpastes can lead to cavities, plaque, gum problems, and gingivitis. What’s worse is that the very oral care product you are using to REMEDY and PREVENT oral problems can actually be sticking to your teeth post-brush, and then causing them decay. (2)

Although the American Dental Association regulates some cavity-causing sweeteners in toothpastes, this doesn’t change the fact that they allow what are called sugar alcohols – otherwise known as sorbitol and xylitol - potentially dangerous ingredients you definitely don't want in your oral care routine. (3)


WARNING: Fluoride is so dangerous people don’t realize sweet toothpastes can cause health problems too! Go FLUORIDE-FREE and SUGAR-FREE today with the 100% ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS found in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ToothPASTE TRIO today! (4)


The sugar alcohols we just mentioned may not be sugar in the regular sense of the word, but they do contain many of the properties of it. This is because xylitol can be grainy and appears almost like crystals, and have commonly been found in over-the-counter products since the 60’s.


Sugary ingredients can contribute to a buildup of plaque and bacteria, which can lead to the decay of your teeth. PROTECT your oral health and BUILD stronger teeth today with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ToothPASTE TRIO!


Xylitol also contains calories in it, a surprising fact many people don’t realize that can pose problems for your health. Though this sounds like something that doesn’t matter because you’re not supposed to swallow toothpaste, brushing the recommended two-three times per day can lead to accidental ingesting, and other health problems you certainly don't want. (5)

Some of these sweet ingredients are also considered humectants – which are solely used to keep the contents of toothpastes wet and tightly packed, and to keep them from separating, which they consider important for their sometimes solid and sometimes liquid ingredients. (6)


For an ALL-NATURAL and SUGAR-FREE oral care routine you can rely on every day, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural ToothPASTE Trio, a bundle of oral care products made JUST FOR YOU that will prevent tooth decay, stave off cavities, and boost your overall oral health!














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            Here’s a dangerous truth over-the-counter toothpaste manufacturers don’t want you to know: manufacturers can put as much sugar as they desire in their products. This can lead to large amounts of artificial sweeteners harming your teeth and oral health over time.

            And if you’re worried about over-the-counter toothpastes not harming your teeth in the short-term, think about this: the chemicals in them can build over time and contribute to problems inside your body way past use. Furthermore, there have been brain problems in rodents as a result of these unnaturally sweet ingredients. (7)


            Sugar can cause many health problems, including diabetes. PREVENT CAVITIES - and other health problems - with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ToothPASTE TRIO today!


            It’s important you do your research, as some over-the-counter toothpaste manufacturers actually list on their website that they use dangerous sugary ingredients. Their ridiculous explanation for including these ingredients is that they may give their products a stable nature and last longer - a benefit for them, not for you. (8)


            WARNING: Even when sugary sweeteners in toothpaste are natural, they’re actually considered artificial. Go ALL-NATURAL today with the truly ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS found in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ToothPASTE TRIO! (9)


            The sweeteners often found in over-the-counter toothpastes can be so dangerous that the UK actually sets limits as to how much you can ingest of them. Think about that. If a product with sugary sweet ingredients contains an intake limit, then you should certainly not be giving them to your children.

            There are also many artificial sweeteners found in over-the-counter toothpastes called polyols, which can affect your digestive system. This is a serious problem, as polyols can be found in their natural form, and are so debilitating to your digestive system warnings are listed on products if their polyol content is too high. (10)

            And if you think xylitol – one of those sugar alcohols we were talking about – is safe because the FDA allows it, think about this: the FDA approved it in 1963! That’s sixty years ago, and considering the improvements made in research and medicine since that year, it’s more important than ever you check the ingredients on your labels and in your toothpastes. (11)


            For an ALL-NATURAL and SUGAR-FREE kid's oral care routine perfect for your kid's sensitive teeth, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Kid's Mouthwash and ToothPASTE Package, a bundle of oral care products made JUST FOR KIDS that will freshen breath, remove plaque, and boost your kid's overall oral health!





            Also Available






            Say no to sugars and artificial sweeteners with our assortment of SUGAR-FREE and ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE PRODUCTS today!







            And Don't Forget To Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Youtube!










            **Disclaimer: Consult your dentist and/or health care professional before beginning any kind of oral care regimen, or if you have any questions about you or your family's oral health. The information herein is not medical advice or guidance.



            1. https://www.barronfamilydental.com/2019/06/25/sugar-in-toothpaste-how-worried-should-i-be/
            2. https://www.citydentists.co.nz/dental-blog/if-sugar-is-bad-for-your-teeth-why-is-toothpaste-sweet/
            3. https://healthnews.com/family-health/dental-and-oral-health/sugar-free-toothpaste-the-hidden-truth/
            4. https://carifree.com/blog/how-is-your-toothpaste-sweetened/
            5. https://www.hello-products.com/about/ingredients/xylitol/
            6. https://www.waughchapeldental.com/articles/general/514996-toothpaste-ingredients
            7. https://ronandlisa.com/toothpaste-smackdown-5-ingredients-avoid/
            8. https://crest.com/en-us/oral-care-tips/toothpaste/saccharin-crest-toothpaste
            9. https://www.healthline.com/health/xylitol-toothpaste
            10. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-types/are-sweeteners-safe/
            11. https://www.drbranamsxylitol.com/xylitol-toothpaste-facts.html
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