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Your Thanksgiving Weekend Skincare Detox!

Your Thanksgiving Weekend Skincare Detox!

Serve Up The Smooth Skin All Weekend Long!




Thanksgiving Weekend.


A time for food, family, friends, football, shopping, and ... skincare?

The answer is YES, and that's because this weekend may just be the most important one for you and your skin.

In this blog we discuss your Thanksgiving weekend skincare detox, and how you can come out of this weekend looking and feeling your best!






96% of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, and 47 million Americans travel for the holiday, which means one thing - Thanksgiving is a big deal. (1)

And with ovens steaming, food flying, and your feet shuffling around talking to friends and family, you're going to find yourself sweating. And whenever you sweat, your skin suffers.



Sweat is mostly water, but it also contains salt, urea, protein, ammonia, and bacteria that's already on the surface of your skin. (2)

Allowing sweat to simmer on your skin is dangerous, and that's because sweat helps bacteria on your skin seep back into your pores and cause inflammation and irritation. (3)


QUICK TIP: Ending your wash with a dab of cool water will help close your pores, enabling healthy sweat to be released when you need it! (4)


Sweat also has a friend that joins it on its way out of your body. Its name?






Sebum (your body's oil) and dead skin blocks your pores, causing acne breakouts and potentially hazardous bacterial infections and breakouts. (5)

The best way to wash sweat off your face and leave your skin looking glowing and radiant is by using a gentle, ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH.

An ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH works WITH your sweat, allowing your body's natural water to help cleanse impurities and pollutants off your face.

And as always, pat your face dry (don't scrub), and use cool or lukewarm water so you don't shock your system or irritate your skin. (6)


For Your Complete Thanksgiving Weekend Face Wash Detox, Use:


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Organic Face Wash is made with essential oils, perfect for whenever you need a refresher this holiday weekend!


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Foaming Black Soap is specifically effective at targeting acne-prone skin and clogged pores; check out our MEN and WOMEN varieties!


And for that extra-strength wash once the sweet potatoes start flying ...


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Antibacterial Facial Cleanser cleans up all the dirt from your Thanksgiving prep, cleanup, and holiday shopping; de-ages your skin and prevents acne breakouts caused by excessive sweating!





If there were ever a time to exfoliate, it's before and after your long Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving weekend.

This is because exfoliating before strenuous activity, like cooking, eating, and conversations with your angry uncle, allows your body's natural sweat and oil to have a clean surface to rest on.

Without exfoliating first, dirt, oil, makeup, and environmental pollutants become trapped inside your pores and cause breakouts and irritation. (7)


QUICK TIP: Always apply an ALL-NATURAL MOISTURIZER after exfoliating. This will keep your new skin cells from drying out! (8)


As important as it is to exfoliate before the craziness of this Thanksgiving weekend, it's also important to exfoliate afterwards.

Exfoliating after the craziness of this holiday weekend removes the top layer of dead skin cells and impurities that naturally accumulate over time and with activity. (9)


And Thanksgiving weekend sure has a lot of activity.


In fact, an estimated 160 million people are expected to do some much-deserved HOLIDAY SHOPPING over this weekend (up from last year), and that's after all that Thanksgiving day stress. (10)

So be sure to take a small amount of your ALL-NATURAL EXFOLIATING PRODUCT, and gently roll it upon your face, neck, shoulders, and body. Trust us. Your skin will thank you later! (11)


For Your Complete Thanksgiving Weekend Exfoliating Detox, Use:


Garner’s Garden 100% All-Natural Bentonite Clay removes that holiday holdover oil and bacteria; also replenishes healthy nutrients back into your skin!



Garner’s Garden 100% All-Natural Kaolin Clay is effective for all skin types, and detoxifies your skin; great for dry and sensitive skin!


Garner’s Garden 100% All-Natural DIY Detox Face Mask combines the strength of bentonite, kaolin, and activated charcoal for one simple and convenient super mask for one super holiday weekend!





When you think of everything you need to do on Thanksgiving weekend, just about all of it requires cleaning your hands.

And considering the average Thanksgiving dinner is with nine people this year, your hands are going to need some love, both before AND after you wash. (12)

The CDC recommends washing your hands before, during, and after food prep, as well after touching any surfaces, to prevent germs and COVID from spreading this Thanksgiving. (13)

And this is incredibly important. After all, cases of COVID surged by 20% in the two weeks after Thanksgiving last year. To help prevent a similar increase, we all need to do our best to clean our hands this holiday weekend. (14)


QUICK TIP: Bacteria can remain on countertops and surfaces for up to 32 hours! Effectively disinfect surfaces this Thanksgiving with our ALL-NATURAL DISINFECTANT SPRAY!(15)


As important as it is to wash your hands often this Thanksgiving weekend, it's also necessary that you don't damage your skin.

First, don't use hot water when washing your hands. Hot water can irritate your skin and cause excess dryness. Warm water is the best way to rinse off germs, while also protecting your skin from cracking. (16)

Second, and perhaps most importantly, don't use harsh, artificial, over-the-counter products on your hands. These products dry you out further and strip away your natural oils, leaving you susceptible to dryness and cracking. (17)


For Your Complete Thanksgiving Weekend Hand Care Detox, Use:


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Hand Soap GENTLY and EFFECTIVELY cleans your hands, while also softening your skin; won't cause hands to dry out!




After washing your hands, apply Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Organic Hand Cream, which uses the skin-boosting power of shea butter to leave your hands feeling smooth and hydrated after all those Thanksgiving weekend washes!






Between shopping, cleaning, cooking, and making sure Grandpa Harry and dad don't talk about that one topic that'll ruin everything, there's no shortage of things on your mind entering this weekend. And you're not alone.

71% of people said they're stressed about this upcoming holiday weekend. And what does stress cause? Skin problems. (18)

There's a chain reaction that happens in your body when you stress out. And without getting too scientific, it starts in your nervous system, which causes you to release hormones like cortisol. These elevate your oil production, thus causing irritation, inflammation, and breakouts. (19)


QUICK TIP: Lavender has been used for centuries for its stress-relieving properties. Click HERE to check out GARNER'S GARDEN'S ALL-NATURAL PRODUCTS containing the calming power of lavender! (20)


Stress and its effects on your skin have become so common in recent years that an entire field of science is now dedicated to it, called psychodermatology.

Psychodermatology pertains to the effect of someone's emotions on their skin, and doctors are finding that the connection is closer than they thought. For example, many nerve endings are actually connected to your skin. (21)

Stress can also make any skin problems you currently have worse, such as rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema, which is exactly what you don't need entering (and leaving) this holiday weekend. (22)


For Your Complete Thanksgiving Weekend Stress-Free Detox, Use:


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Sleep Mist With Lavender Essential Oil uses the calming, de-stressing power of lavender to help you recuperate after a long Thanksgiving weekend!




 Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Lavender Body Butter provides long-lasting moisture to your skin on this cold Thanksgiving weekend, while also relaxing you with the soothing power of lavender!




And for the complete Thanksgiving weekend detox, try our 100% All-Natural Facial Care System, a 5-step wash system that includes our All-Natural Vitamin C Facial Serum, All-Natural Exfoliating Mineral Scrub, All-Natural Antibacterial Facial Cleanser, All-Natural Normalizing Face Oil, and All-Natural Pure Facial Toner.










1.      https://blog.nationwide.com/thanksgiving-fun-facts-infographic/
2.      https://www.healthline.com/health/sweat-what-is-it
3.      https://intothegloss.com/2015/06/effects-of-sweat-on-face/
4.      https://www.wellandgood.com/no-sweat-making-sure-your-skin-doesnt-get-a-workout-at-the-gym/
5.      https://mydermconsult.com/blog/what-effects-does-sweating-have-on-your-skin/
6.      https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/exactly-how-to-wash-your-face-after-a-workout-according-to-these-dermatologists
7.      https://www.viabuff.com/hitting-gym-heres-exfoliate-first/
8.      https://www.ilovecosmetics.co.uk/blog/the-importance-of-exfoliating-your-skin/
9.      https://www.instyle.com/news/post-workout-skincare-musts
10.  https://retailleader.com/retailers-prepare-increase-holiday-shoppers-over-thanksgiving-weekend
11.  https://www.100percentpure.com/blogs/feed/the-post-workout-skin-routine
12.  https://wallethub.com/blog/thanksgiving-facts/28332
13.  https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html
14.  https://www.bbc.com/news/55363256
15.  https://www.foodsafety.gov/blog/dont-forget-your-thanksgiving-food-safety-steps
16.  https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-to-keep-your-skin-healthy-while-washing-your-hands-often
17.  https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/17474-hand-washing
18.  https://civicscience.com/americans-are-stressed-out-about-thanksgiving/
19.  https://www.apderm.com/the-skin-stress-connection/
20.  https://www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/lavender-for-anxiety
21.  https://www.webmd.com/beauty/features/effects-of-stress-on-your-skin#1
22.  https://www.webmd.com/beauty/the-effects-of-stress-on-your-skin
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