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4 Reasons To Use Body Powder Today!

4 Reasons To Use Body Powder Today!

Embrace Your Powder ...


Body powder isn't new. In fact, body powder has been around for centuries, used as a skincare wonder product for the hair, body, and face. And there's a reason for this:


Body Powder Works


But only when made right. In recent years, body powder has received a bad wrap, but times have changed, and dermatologists now agree that ALL-NATURAL BODY POWDER is truly helping people achieve better skin health. (1)

In this blog we talk about what body powder is, and four reasons you need to start using it today!





 So let's break down what body powder is:


It's powder for your body.


Sounds simple, and it is. First, the powder part. Any ground material is a powder, and different body powders grind up different ingredients to make up their finished product.

Now unfortunately, many over-the-counter body powders use talc, asbestos, and other chemicals and artificial ingredients in their powder can that can hurt you. (3)




All-NATURAL BODY POWDER, when done right, is a completely safe one-in-all miracle product that will change the way you skincare.

The best body powders (GARNER'S GARDEN uses kaolin, arrowroot, tapioca powder, and sodium bicarbonate) use safe ingredients that help your skin on their own, and together provide a moisture-wicking punch to your skincare routine. (4)

FUN FACT: Body powder acts as an effective dry shampoo! Just comb through, and watch the grease and oil disappear! (5)


Now, the second part - body powder can be used all over your face and body, and is safe for all skin types.

People with sensitive skin and allergies prefer body powder because of its simple ingredients and effectiveness. (6)



Now let's talk about the ways body powder helps your skin.





One of the most common reasons people all over the world have chosen body powder is because of its incredible ability to absorb moisture. (7)

Obviously ingredients can vary from one body powder to the next, but GARNER'S GARDEN features the incredible moisture-absorbing power of kaolin.

The kaolin inside ALL-NATURAL BODY POWDER doesn't just absorb moisture - it also absorbs impurities and draws excess oil out of your skin. (8)


FUN FACT: Sprinkle some body powder after applying your makeup to help it settle better, and last longer! (9)


Many people suffer from allergies or dermatitis from the harsh, artificial ingredients in over-the-counter deodorants.

Body powder is gentle, and the kaolin inside Garner's Garden Body Powder is one of the safest and gentlest of clays you can use.

Applying kaolin-based body powder to absorb moisture also smooths your skin, reducing inflammation and soothing irritation. (10)




For many people, body acne is a serious problem that doesn't get talked about enough. In fact, 40-50 million people suffer from breakouts every year.  (11)

Body acne occurs when you produce excess oil, and this oil clogs your pores, which provides the perfect grounds for acne, inflammation, and irritation. (12)

But body powder can fix all that. The kaolin in Garner's Garden Body Powder will literally remove body-acne causing bacteria before you develop clusters, and our arrowroot reduces oil production. (13)


FUN FACT: Cover yourself with body powder before waxing. The wax will stick less - your skin will thank you! (14)


All-natural kaolin-based body powder also smooths out your irritated skin without causing further complications, such as rashes or dermatitis. (13)

Body powder is such a great acne-prevention tool because it literally kills pathogens before they can irritate and infect your skin. (15)

The kaolin-based body powder then soothes any potential infection and keeps pimples from turning into full-on breakouts. (16)




Seventy-five percent of people experience foot pain, and that doesn't take into account those who suffer the constant discomfort and foot slippage of loose-fitting shoes and constant sweating. (17)

Unfortunately, many of these foot problems are compounded by neglect and poor care, which causes them to develop into even worse conditions.

New studies are revealing that body powder is the answer to your foot problems. In fact, applying body powder can help prevent athlete's foot and likewise infections, which effect five percent of the population. (17) (18)


FUN FACT: Those with diabetes should apply body powder between their toes to keep them dry and prevent complications! (19)


On the comfort side of things, body powder also helps. Body powder will make your style more comfortable, and will keep you from slipping and sliding in sandals, slippers, and shoes. (20)

Body powder also helps on the other side of the spectrum, giving your toes more room in tight-fitting shoes, preventing crushing and discomfort. (21)

When exercising or walking, body powder will also keep your feet dry and breathing, which is especially important during the fall when the temperature drops and artificial heating increases. (18)





Body powder smells waaay better than sweat.


Millions of people suffer from a condition called hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating, and millions more just naturally sweat a lot. (22)

Unfortunately, four percent of people suffer from fragrance allergies found in many over-the-counter cosmetic products, including chemical deodorants. (23)

The chemicals in these over-the-counter body powders contain artificial fragrances that are toxic and potentially life-threatening. (24)


FUN FACT: Body powder can be used with your mascara to make your lashes look bigger! (25)


This is where body powder comes in. ALL-NATURAL BODY POWDER is a safe and gentle way to keep the smell at bay.

Many body powders feature natural fragrances, which allows those with allergies to safely enjoy a fragrance of their choice.

Other body powders contain no fragrance, and instead act as a base from which to add other products in your skincare regimen.


So now we know some of the amazing things you can do with body powder. But with all the endless options out there, how do you know which body powder you should get?


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Body Powder is talc-free, cruelty free, and perfect for those looking for a simple and gentle way to keep their skin dry and the sweat away.



Also pair our 100% All-Natural Body Powder with our 100% All-Natural Body Oil, which uses essential oils to soften and moisturize your skin, and restore your natural glow.



And Don't Forget Your Baby!

Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Baby Powder gently deodorizes, keeps your baby's skin fresh and dry, and is talc-free!







  1. https://cosmeticsinfo.org/Ancient-history-cosmetics
  2. https://drbaileyskincare.com/blogs/blog/pure-mineral-powder-is-best-makeup
  3. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/talcum-powder-and-cancer.html
  4. https://garnersgarden.com/products/natural-body-powder-talc-free?_pos=1&_sid=8a07e279e&_ss=r
  5. https://makeupandbeauty.com/5-things-you-can-use-instead-of-a-dry-shampoo-to-freshen-up-tresses/
  6. https://www.everydayhealth.com/allergy-pictures/allergy-safe-beauty-products.aspx
  7. https://www.themanual.com/grooming/best-body-powders-for-men/
  8. https://www.teadorabeauty.com/blogs/all/brazilian-kaolin-clay-cleansing-detoxifying-stimulating-for-skin-care
  9. https://www.nealsyardremedies.ca/blogs/blog/dust-up-why-you-should-be-using-body-powder
  10. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/kaolin-clay-mask-benefits
  11. https://coloradospringsdermatologyclinic.com/info/important-statistics-to-help-you-better-understand-acne/
  12. https://www.allure.com/story/body-acne-rising-stress
  13. https://www.pacificaurabotanicals.com/blogs/news/10-benefits-of-kaolin-clay
  14. https://www.totalbeauty.com/content/gallery/p-at-home-waxing/p32812/page4
  15. https://draxe.com/beauty/kaolin-clay/
  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2904249/
  17. https://www.ipma.net/page/15
  18. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/healthy-feet-tips
  19. https://www.marshallhealth.org/services/foot-ankle-care/diabetic-foot-care/
  20. https://slippersowner.com/how-to-keep-feet-from-sliding-forward-in-sandals/
  21. https://shoes.lovetoknow.com/about-shoes/how-loosen-tight-shoes-talcum-powder
  22. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/07/040728084348.htm
  23. https://www.verywellhealth.com/deodorant-and-antiperspirant-allergy-82753
  24. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/five-mustknows-on-the-dan_b_4737654
  25. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/makeup/how-to/g3380/powder-mascara-trick/ 
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