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BREAKING NEWS: Over-The-Counter Air Fresheners Are Bad For Your Health!

BREAKING NEWS: Over-The-Counter Air Fresheners Are Bad For Your Health!

Sell The Smell Today!

Let’s be honest, this is a strange time of year. With summertime sweat and odors leading to pumpkin season and falling leaves, our noses – and our bodies - are about to be really confused. What this leads to is many people turning to air fresheners to help spruce up their homes and satisfy their senses. But there’s a problem with this – over-the-counter air fresheners are dangerous.

And not just a little dangerous. Over-the-counter air fresheners can have major consequences on both the environment and your family’s health, depending on the ingredients inside them. And considering many over-the-counter air fresheners contain toxic chemicals and artificial ingredients, it's more important than ever that you be educated on the potential pitfalls of these dangerous products. (1)

But there’s no need to worry about your health or the smell in your house anymore, as there are now 100% ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST SPRAYS that will stop those nasty summertime smells, while providing you with a natural boost that will PLEASE YOUR SENSES and SATISFY YOUR MIND!

In this blog we talk about the dangers of over-the-counter air fresheners, and how you can enjoy a SAFE and SATISFYING smell in your house each and every day!


Want more of the smells you love?
Click HERE to learn more!

When I tell you something can cause irritation to your entire body, ignite into flames, and contain crazy-long chemicals like P-dichlorobenzene and formaldehyde, both of which can cause severe health problems, would you use it - or let your family use it?

Unfortunately, this is the description of over-the-counter air fresheners, which require so many warning labels it makes you wonder how they can be allowed to be on shelves at all. This is because over-the-counter air fresheners are considered toxic, especially to children and pets, and can cause liver problems, breathing issues, and heart arythmias to those using them. (2)

If you’re wondering why over-the-counter air fresheners are dangerous, here's the reason: many people don’t realize that we actually absorb scents through our lungs and skin. Therefore, not only can these chemical-filled products cause breathing problems, but they can cause reactions in your skin too, such as irritation and inflammation. (3)

QUICK TIP: Many over-the-counter air fresheners try to trick you with ingredients they simply call fragrance – not really an ingredient at all. Instead opt for ALL-NATURAL with the pronounceable ingredients in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST SPRAY! (4)

So you know over-the-counter air fresheners aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. But how are they causing all these problems? Well, one reason they’re so dangerous is because they cause you to inhale even more pollution than you would without them polluting your room.


Over-the-counter fragrances don't erase smells - they simply join them! Protect your family's health and the smell of your home today with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST SPRAY!


In fact, even just a slight increase in polluted air caused by over-the-counter air fresheners can cause negative health problems like respiratory trouble, asthma, and migraines. And as far as your skin, the dangerous level of chemicals in over-the-counter air fresheners can lead to dermatitis as well. (5)

And things are getting worse. This is because over-the-counter air freshener manufacturers are looking to create even more scents and more combinations of scents, when in reality every artificial smell you pick up in the air is caused by a blend of dangerous chemicals and ingredients. What’s even worse is that this harmful blend remains in the air, causing you health problems for an extended period of time. (6)

For a better-smelling room without dangerous chemicals and artificial ingredients, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Room Mist Spray, a natural freshener made with only the most gentle essential oils that will satisfy your senses and please your nose each and every day!

Try All 4 Scents Today!


If you still think that over-the-counter air fresheners are okay for your health, listen to this: the ingredients inside them are carcinogens, capable of causing such dangers as cancer or problems with your all-important (and delicate) endocrine system.

Synthetics inside over-the-counter air fresheners can also hurt people who have pre-existing conditions, especially those with breathing problems. One of the major culprits of this is the ingredient formaldehyde, which is dangerous in small doses and exposures, let alone the kind that over-the-counter air fresheners contain. (7)

There are many chemicals in over-the-counter air fresheners that are dangerous to your health - including ingredients not on labels. Protect your family's health with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST SPRAY today!


The real reason there are so many dangerous ingredients in over-the-counter air fresheners is because the ingredients inside them are considered trade secrets by the FDA, which enables manufacturers to leave ingredients off their labels. Therefore, it may be impossible to know exactly what you’re exposing your family to in your home. (8)

WARNING: Over-the-counter air fresheners can contain chlorine bleach – a potentially toxic chemical, especially dangerous when mixed with other chemicals that release dangerous gasses and cause major health complications. For an ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST you can trust, check out GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ROOM MIST SPRAY today! (9)

So maybe you’re thinking over-the-counter air fresheners are worth the risk because they clean your home. But here’s the deal – they don’t. They actually don’t remove the particles in the air causing odors at all – they simply mask them. Therefore, you’re then inhaling both the chemicals in the air and the odor particles anyway.

Over-the-counter air fresheners also cause developmental issues, making them especially dangerous to children. And considering many parents purchase these air fresheners to cover up the smell of their children and their rooms, you need to be extra mindful of what's in the products you're buying for your kids. (10)

These air fresheners are so dangerous that some people are even arguing for a restriction of over-the-counter air fresheners in public spots, much like there’s a restriction on public smoking. This would help keep people from inhaling dangerous chemicals in closed places, like taxis and stores. (11)


For fresh-smelling sheets boosted with the satisfying smell of lavender, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Sleep Mist Spray, a pillow mist spray that will relax your body and mind, enabling you to calm down before bed and enjoy a greater night's sleep each and every night!
Click HERE to learn more!
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Disclaimer: Contact a doctor/health care professional if you have any questions about your health. Don't ignore medical guidance or delay getting help because of content on this site. The content on this site is not meant to replace or as a substitute for any advice, treatment, and diagnosis from a medical health professional. The content on this site is not medical advice or guidance.


  1. https://www.poison.org/articles/air-freshener-171
  2. https://www.beyondtoxics.org/work/green-home-cleaning-campaign-1/air-fresheners/
  3. https://www.hannasillitoe.com/blogs/news/synthetic-scents-and-our-skin
  4. https://madesafe.org/blogs/viewpoint/toxic-chemicals-in-air-fresheners
  5. https://ehs.umass.edu/air-fresheners-and-indoor-air-quality
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/02/22/air-freshener-indoor-air-quality/
  7. https://www.growfragrance.com/blogs/learn/are-air-fresheners-bad-for-you
  8. https://fontanacandlecompany.com/blogs/bee-well-blog/air-fresheners-are-bad-for-your-health-but-there-s-a-solution
  9. https://www.ewg.org/healthyhomeguide/cleaners-and-air-fresheners/
  10. https://cvskinlabs.com/7-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-use-febreze-or-other-chemical-air-fresheners/
  11. https://www.meghantelpner.com/blog/ingredients-in-toxic-air-fresheners/
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