No Breakdown Ahead!
With so many over-the-counter products promising instant results and stronger and fuller hair, it can become easy to overlook one very simple hair problem so many of us suffer from:
And though it's common, many people don't realize that hair breakage IS PREVENTABLE, and now it's easier than ever to return to your own stronger, natural hair that shines just for you.
So let's dive into this hair care blog, where we talk about what hair breakage is, and four ways you can PREVENT IT today!
Your hair is a machine, which is great when it's running well, but also means it can break down. And that's what leads to hair breakage.
To better understand breakage, we first need to look at healthy hair. Healthy hair is reliant on the cuticle inside your hair strand, and the scales holding the individual follicles together. (1)
Sometimes, these strands can become stressed and lose their protective layer. As a result, the hair strands can weaken, break apart, and fray. This is what causes hair breakage. (2)
Though hair breakage is usually temporary, it can be a major problem for your style, scalp health, and mental health. (3)
FUN FACT: Heat styling can cause hair breakage. Lower the heat, and PREVENT HAIR BREAKAGE today! (4)
Though hair breakage can seem like a major problem for your whole strand of hair, this isn't true.
Hair breakage is a fracture of any part of your individual hair strand, resulting in short pieces of hair breaking off and straining. These short strands will be noticeably different than the longer, healthier ones on your scalp. (5)
And though it can seem like hair breakage only happens to you, this isn't so. In fact, everyone with all hair types experience hair breakage for a variety of reasons. (6)
Now that we know what hair breakage is, let's talk about four ways you can prevent it today!

One of the leading causes of hair breakage is dry hair. Let's find out why. (7)
Your hair contains three layers, but dry hair focuses on your outer layer. When you suffer from dry hair, your hair will look slightly dull and frizzy, precursors to hair breakage. (8)
Dryness can also lead to breakage as a result of the weakening of your individual strands. This means when you try to manipulate dry hair, you can experience breakage. (9)
FUN FACT: A lack of oil extending from your scalp to the individual strands can lead to breakage. Fix this by applying 100% ALL-NATURAL HAIR OIL, and feel the hydration and strength today! (10)
Though dry hair can be caused by many things, one of the worst things for your hair is winter.
The cold, winter months can lead to dry hair, and the sun can damage your strands even further. This leads to what's considered seasonal breakage. (11)
The lack of humidity during winter can also leave your hair feeling weak and damaged. This dry air causes brittle hair, and, of course, hair breakage. (12)
For the best way to hydrate your hair and prevent breakage, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Shea Hair Butter, which will moisturize your scalp and promote softer and smoother hair!
Also check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Men's Hair Butter, which provides anti-fungal and antibacterial protection, while preventing hair breakage!
As with so many other physical and mental health problems, stress is a cause of hair breakage. And this is backed by science.
The hormones associated with stress actually break the flow of nutrients going to your hair (and also your skin). This lack of nutrition can weaken your hair, and leave you more susceptible to breakage. (13)
Stress also shortens the hair cycle (the anagen phase in particular), which disrupts the normal growth and transformation of your hair. (14)
FUN FACT: Feeling stressed? Apply skin care products with the soothing power of 100% ALL-NATURAL LEMONGRASS, and feel the relaxation today! (15)
Aside from the physiological damage of stress on your hair, stress can also cause you to damage your hair yourself.
An example of this is pulling your hair. Stress can cause people to pull at their hair and inflict physical trauma - which can lead to breakage and scarring. (16)
One way to remedy the problems stress causes inside your body is by tricking yourself that you don't have any! Simply adding moisture causes your body to produce its own moisture, restoring your own natural oil levels and sheen. (17)
For the most relaxing way to healthier hair, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Argan Oil, which uses linoleic acid, omega fatty acids, and Vitamin E to repair split ends, soothe dry patches, and strengthen your hair!
Although many factors you can't control cause hair breakage, there is one way you can directly prevent breakage:
Avoid Chemicals In Over-The-Counter Products
One ingredient that can cause hair breakage is alcohol. Alcohol can lead to hair breakage by slowing down the restorative process your body undertakes to remedy natural hair. (18)
Certain chemicals in over-the-counter products can also cause a condition called traction alopecia - which is when your hair strands pull or break, eventually leading to long-term hair damage. (19)
FUN FACT: Trim the ends of your hair at least every two months. This will keep the ends of your hair from splitting and breaking! (20)
The reason chemicals can be so detrimental to your hair health and can lead to breakage is because of the effect they have on your hair's pH.
Many chemicals cause over-the-counter products to create a negative charge on your hair, which leads to increased friction among your strands - leading to breakage. (21)
So for the best breakage prevention care, it's important to treat your hair with love by using 100% ALL-NATURAL HAIR CARE PRODUCTS to fight the chemicals found naturally in the environment. (22)
For the best ALL-NATURAL way to prevent hair breakage, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Hair Oil, which boosts your hair with essential vitamins and minerals that prevent dryness, hair breakage, and infection!
Also check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Men's Hair Oil, which strengthens your hair and prevents future hair loss!
Though it sounds obvious, one of the best things you can do for your hair is to handle it with love and care.
For example, when your hair is wet, it's also vulnerable. Wet hair is also fragile hair, as water breaks the hydrogen comprising the keratin of your hair, leaving your strands in a weaker state. (23)
This means the days of shaking your hair dry are over. Don't be rough while drying your hair, as rubbing can lead to breakage. In this case, it's best to simply squeeze the excess water out. (24)
FUN FACT: Have a history of hair breakage? Avoid tight hairstyles. This will prevent your hair from pulling and breaking! (25)
Another way to ensure your hair won't break is by ensuring it's nourished with the VITAMINS AND MINERALS your hair needs for optimal health.
Vitamins A, E, and C are three essential vitamins that will not only keep your scalp nourished and healthy, but will also prevent it from infection and free radical damage. (26)
Filling your hair with the vitamins it needs are especially essential in winter, when your hair relies upon extra vitamins to maintain its luster and shine. (27)
For that extra boost you need in preventing hair breakage, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural 4D Hyaluronic Acid Hair Serum, which revives damaged hair, promotes hair growth and hydration, and reduces the chances of hair breakage!
And for the best hair breakage prevention kit for women, check out our 100% All-Natural Women's Hair Package, which includes our 100% All-Natural Shea Hair Butter, 100% All-Natural Argan Oil, and 100% All-Natural Hair Oil.
For the best hair breakage prevention kit for men, check out our 100% All-Natural Men's Hair Package, which includes our 100% All-Natural Argan Oil, 100% All-Natural Hair Balm, and 100% All-Natural Hair Oil!