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How To Prevent Summer Breakouts!

How To Prevent Summer Breakouts!

Embrace YOUR Shine!


Everyone wants CLEARER SKIN, but this can be more difficult to achieve in the summer. Making matters worse is that it’s usually in the summer when we want to go out and show off our MOST RADIANT selves. Now here’s the problem, one we’re all aware of that can cause some serious self-esteem problems this season …






And this is a serious problem, one you’re not alone in having. That's because summer is one of the most dangerous times for your skin, and when you can particularly be affected by humid and hot temperatures causing you to sweat more and suffer from impacted pores. (1)

Well, we do have some good news! You don’t have to be embarrassed or scared of summer breakouts anymore. That’s because of new GUIDANCE and an ALL-NATURAL SKINCARE ROUTINE that can help you enjoy RADIANT SKIN when you step out this summer!

In this blog we talk about why breakouts are common in the summer, how to prevent them, and how you can enjoy SMOOTH and HEALTHY SKIN today!






Want to shine like only YOU can? 

Check out our 100% ALL-NATURAL FACIAL CARE SYSTEM today! 



Though it may seem pretty obvious, summer is not always the kindest time of the year for your skin. This is because it’s in the summer when our skin can be so easily affected by the outdoors. In fact, just the fact that we go outside so much in the summer can leave us at a greater risk of sunshine and sweat so often related with summer.

Sweat is debilitating in the summer because it leaves dying skin at a reduced risk of being cleaned away. Excessive oils we produce can then leave our pores really clogged, and for our skin to suffer from an unnatural recycling process. Over-the-counter sunscreens can make things more complicated, helping to clog our pores and lead to additional acne. (2) (3)

One thing to keep an eye on is that many over-the-counter products can actually make acne worse, and lead to further breakouts you’re desperately trying to avoid. To help escape the wrath of these breakout-causing products, be sure you’re using ALL-NATURAL PRODUCTS that are non-comedogenic, which can help keep summer breakouts at bay. (4)


QUICK TIP: Summer breakouts are not just exclusive to your face! Be sure to clean your body with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL BODY WASH to enjoy a satisfying wash and less breakouts all summer long! (5)


Alright, so we know that breakouts seem to be encouraged by the summer climate, but what can we do about it? Basically, to prevent acne this summer season, you need to focus on your pores. To ensure SMOOTH and RADIANT SKIN, you need to remove bacteria from your face and keep your aforementioned pores clean. (6) (7)



 Men can suffer from summer breakouts too! Fight breakouts before they can fight you by using the 100% ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL MEN'S FACIAL CARE SYSTEM today!


It’s also important that as you go out this summer, you don’t touch your face. Touching your face during the day can instantly put bacteria there, potentially leading to acne. This can be a problem if you want to touch up your face when out, or if you don't know you’re doing it. (6) (7)

If you’re looking for a little guidance as to what wash can help your skin in the summer, it might help to look for something with FOAM. Foam can help clean your face without causing additional irritation or furthering breakouts. Be sure to check with a dermatologist to determine what's best for you and your skin. (8) (9)



The best way to prevent summer breakouts?




Keep acne away with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Facial Care System, a thorough CHEMICAL-FREE way to clean, moisturize, and exfoliate your skin to summer radiance and beauty!



Includes Our 100% All-Natural:






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To help keep summer breakouts from ruining your summer, you need to think about when to wash. This is super important, as it might mean changing some of your previous skincare habits. Now, you might want to try to wash your face with a GENTLE and ALL-NATURAL cleanser before you go to sleep. It might also be a good idea to wash after serious bouts of sweat. Be sure NOT to irritate your skin, though, by washing too abrasively or often.

It’s also important that the sunscreen you do inevitably use does NOT clog your pores like so many over-the-counter ones do. Don't worry, though! There is an EFFECTIVE and ALL-NATURAL SUNSCREEN that can not only provide you some help when out in the sun, but can also provide a lightweight and hydrating boost to your skin. (10)



 Don't let summer breakouts ruin your summer! Go out in style and let your natural radiance show after using the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL FACIAL CARE SYSTEM today!


Another important thing to remember is that moisture is NOT bad. In fact, summer is not the time to skip your ALL-NATURAL MOISTURIZER. It may seem counter-intuitive, but using an EFFECTIVE and ALL-NATURAL MOISTURIZER can help keep you from creating extra oil that can cause summer breakouts. (11)


QUICK TIP: Exfoliating is a great way to get rid of dying skin and excess oil! Exfoliate your way to newer and more radiant skin with the 100% ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL MINERAL EXFOLIATING SCRUB today! (12)


To avoid summer breakouts, it’s important to know what actually can make a summer pimple a summer breakout. Many summer pollutants like chlorine can add to your skin problems if you don’t manage them fast enough. Instead of allowing chlorine to keep sweat down in your pores, wash yourself quickly, getting rid of summer salts and pollutants before they can be a problem.

It’s also important to keep in mind how you can avoid body acne. It’s best to avoid clothes that can keep sweat attached to your skin, while also not encouraging friction or debris to lead to acne and summer breakouts. Clothes that aren’t breathable can make these problems worse. (13)

Now here’s something you CAN control, which can help you prevent those summer breakouts. Instead of rubbing your skin hard to remove all those layers of dirt, sweat, and oil, be GENTLE when cleaning your face. Being too harsh to your skin can cause your cellular process to be upended, and for your pores to be clogged even more, leading to more summer breakouts. (14)



Men want clear skin too! Men can enjoy radiant skin all summer long with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Men's Facial Care System, the all-in-one way to protect your skin from aging and enjoy natural radiance this season!



    Includes Our 100% All-Natural:






    Want to shine like only YOU can? 

    Check out our 100% ALL-NATURAL FACIAL CARE SYSTEM today! 









    And Don't Forget To Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Youtube!










    *Disclaimer: Contact a doctor/health care professional if you have any questions about you or your child's health. Don't ignore medical guidance or delay getting help because of content on this site. The content on this site is not meant to replace or as a substitute for any advice, treatment, or diagnosis from a medical health professional. The content on this site is not medical advice or guidance. Speak to a health care professional before beginning any kind of medical/skincare/oral care routine. We are not fully guaranteeing prevention or remedying of any infections, skin problems, or diseases with the content on this site or with our products. Speak to a health care professional when mixing skincare products. Speak to a health care professional before essential oil use. Speak to a doctor/medical professional for product warnings/further information.









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