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Prevent Cavities Today!

Prevent Cavities Today!

Don't Cave In To Cavities!

You don't want cavities. Your parents don't want cavities. Your grandparents don't want cavities. No one wants cavities. But here's the thing: people who especially don’t want cavities are children. And that's because they simply don't understand why they get them - made even worse by the fact that they seem to get them more than adults! 

In fact, children are more prone to getting cavities for many reasons. One is the way they BRUSH their teeth, as well as the products they use. Many times, the sugary foods and drinks they consume are not properly cleaned by dangerous, chemical-filled over-the-counter oral care products. (1)

But we DO have some good news, and that’s that the RIGHT ORAL CARE PRODUCTS can help your child stave off oral problems, including cavities. To do this, you need FLUORIDE-FREE and ALCOHOL-FREE ORAL CARE PRODUCTS that will keep cavities away and boost your child’s oral health!

In this blog we talk about how to prevent children's cavities, and how children can enjoy their BEST ORAL HEALTH today!



Enjoy all of GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE PRODUCTS today for GREATER ORAL HEALTH and BRIGHTER SMILES you'll be thrilled to show off!


One of the reasons children struggle with cavities more than adults is because of the way they brush their teeth. This is because children don’t always know the best method of brushing, which can lead them to getting antsy and cutting their brushing time shorter than the recommended two minutes per brush.

Children may also find it harder to reach the necessary spots they need to reach to properly clean their teeth. These harder-to-reach areas can be littered with decay, potentially leading to more dental problems and cavities. To overcome this, it’s even MORE IMPORTANT your child has the BEST ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE PRODUCTS to properly and efficiently clean their teeth. (2)

Another reason children seem to get more cavities than adults is because of their diet. Children tend to have less control over the foods and drinks they consume, meaning more sugar and more risk of decay. Young children can also suffer from increased cavities due to the high sugar content often found in formulas and milks. (3)


QUICK TIP: Your child’s favorite foods, like ice cream, gummies, and crackers can lead to longer attacks of acid, leading to more oral problems down the line. Protect your child’s oral health today with the FLUORIDE-FREE and ALCOHOL-FREE ingredients in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL KID’S MOUTHWASH AND TOOTHPASTE PACKAGE today! (4)


Aside from some of the obvious reasons children may be more susceptible to cavities than adults, there’s also a scientific reason they may be more susceptible. First, children’s teeth don’t have the same depth of enamel as adults. In fact, primary teeth are simply softer than the teeth of adults.


Although it seems like they're inevitable, cavities are almost entirely PREVENTABLE! Fight cavities and tooth decay today with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL KID'S MOUTHWASH AND TOOTHPASTE PACKAGE!


This softer enamel is a real problem, as cavities in children’s teeth and lingering oral problems can actually cause further problems on the permanent teeth meant to come in later. If you don’t want your child’s oral problems spreading, it’s best to PREVENT problems before they begin by using the MOST EFFECTIVE and ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE PRODUCTS! (5)

To better understand why cavities attack children at a greater rate than adults, you need to look at the specific germs that create cavities – mutans streptococcus. What happens is your child’s calcium actually diminishes, which can lead to structural changes of your child’s teeth caused by acid. (6)

To prevent children's cavities, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Kid's Mouthwash and ToothPASTE Package, an ALCOHOL-FREE, CHEMICAL-FREE, and FLUORIDE-FREE oral care package that will protect and prevent oral disease and repel plaque!





Although it may seem impossible for a child to PREVENT CAVITIES, there are ALL-NATURAL and SIMPLE WAYS your child can keep cavities at bay, while also keeping their teeth looking and feeling healthy. One of the ways to do this is by simply BRUSHING with the RIGHT ALL-NATURAL PRODUCTS.

Your child can also simply drink more water. Drinking adequate amounts of water can help cleanse your child's mouth of unwanted remnants of food. This is because keeping your mouth CAVITY-FREE requires balancing the mouth's pH, and also keeping the mouth wet and comfortable. (7)


Cavities aren't the only problems your kid's sensitive teeth can face. Fight gum problems with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL KID'S MOUTHWASH AND TOOTHPASTE PACKAGE today!


Another way to prevent cavities in children is by not sharing things. Children should not share straws, glasses, foods, and other things that can more easily transfer the bacteria that can cause cavities and oral problems. This is especially important because children are not always aware of the dangers of sharing and germs. (8)


QUICK TIP: It doesn’t take long for acid to harm your child’s enamel, leading to cavities and plaque. Keep your child’s teeth clean with the ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS in GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL KID’S MOUTHWASH AND TOOTH POWDER PACKAGE today! (9)


Parents are also responsible for ensuring their child is properly prepared to PREVENT CAVITIES. This includes monitoring them to ensure their teeth are brushed two times per day when their first tooth emerges, as well as flossing once teeth appear together.

Technique is also necessary to prevent children’s cavities. Considering children look up to their parents when determining good habits and techniques, it’s essential your child has a good example of how to ACHIEVE GREAT ORAL HEALTH while growing up. (10)

It’s also essential you know the signs your child may have cavities so they can get the proper help they need as soon as possible. This will help stop small problems from developing into bigger ones over time. Some of these signs include changes in the appearance of teeth, new responses to cold stimuli, and holes in teeth. (11)

Don't forget the adults! To prevent cavities in adult mouths, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Oral Care Trio, an ALCOHOL-FREE, CHEMICAL-FREE,  and FLUORIDE-FREE oral care package that will reduce plaque, prevent cavities, and fight tooth decay!




**Disclaimer: Consult your dentist and/or health care professional before you or any child begins any kind of oral care regimen, and if you have any questions about you or your family's oral health. The information herein is not medical advice or guidance, and is not a substitute for any medical advice or guidance.


  1. https://pdckids.com/2020/02/11/why-do-kids-seem-more-likely-to-get-cavities/
  2. https://www.bellbrookfamilydentistry.com/3-reasons-children-can-be-more-prone-to-cavities-than-adults/
  3. https://martinkidsdental.com/how-common-are-cavities-in-children/
  4. https://www.innovativepediatricdentistry.com/why-some-kids-get-cavities-even-if-they-brush-their-teeth/
  5. https://www.amberhillsdental.com/blog/cavities-kids/
  6. https://www.parents.com/baby/health/baby-teeth/the-surprising-truth-about-cavities/
  7. https://munroefallsfamilydentistry.com/cavity-prevention/10-ways-to-prevent-cavities-in-your-child/
  8. https://www.mainstreetsmiles.com/blog/10-tips-for-preventing-dental-cavities-in-children
  9. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/tooth-decay-caries-or-cavities-in-children
  10. https://hurstpediatricdentistry.com/2021/05/25/why-does-my-child-keep-getting-cavities/
  11. https://www.webmd.com/children/what-to-do-about-cavities-in-children
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