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The Benefits Of Cinnamon In Oral Care!

A Sweeter Way To Oral Health!


Knowing the importance of oral health is super important, but knowing what ingredients you should be using in your oral care can be just as important or more. That's because as many people begin to take their oral health more seriously, they're also potentially putting dangerous ingredients inside their bodies.

In fact, many dangerous over-the-counter toothpastes contain harmful ingredients that can not only cause you immediate harm, but also long-term danger, especially considering people use oral care products at least twice a day. Some of these ingredients include artificial sweeteners that can undo much of the good you're trying to achieve in your overall bodily health. (1)

But there is some good news! There is an ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENT that can not only boost your overall bodily health, but also work wonders for your oral health. What is this awesome ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENT ...?




In this blog we talk about the benefits of cinnamon in oral health, and why it's the key to a BRIGHTER SMILE and BETTER ORAL HEALTH today!




Many people don’t realize this, but effective ingredients in oral hygiene can mean strong, fast-acting results for your overall bodily health too. This is because your mouth is literally the entrance area to both your important respiratory and digestive tracts.

Not only that, but effective oral health can also facilitate saliva, which can be decreased by medications and potentially poor oral health. This is important, as saliva is capable of neutralizing the acid bacteria creates in your mouth, thus preventing the spread of diseases and helping to wash away food and associated bacteria. (2)

Now knowing the links between oral and bodily health is important, as cinnamon is not just a great ingredient for oral health, but is also capable of increasing antioxidants, helping to stave off bacterial infections and simultaneously protect your mouth. It also helps to reduce the oxidative stress you encounter, which can lower your entire body’s risk of disease and energy depletion. (3) (4) (5)


FUN FACT: Cinnamon can fight an assortment of bacteria and fungi, making it essential for both your oral and bodily health. Enjoy these benefits and more with the power of GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL CINNAMON ORAL CARE TRIO today! (6)


Knowing the health benefits of cinnamon can also help explain why it’s such a great oral care ingredient. For example, not only is it anti-fungal and antibacterial, but it’s also an antiseptic, which makes it efficient at relieving pain in the throat and mouth.


Cinnamon helps to prevent tooth decay AND bad breath! Enjoy the sweet and natural smell of cinnamon today with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL CINNAMON ORAL CARE TRIO!


Cinnamon is also a great NATURAL WAY to prevent decay of your teeth by means of its antimicrobial properties. And of course, cinnamon is also an amazing oral cleanser, which is surely one of the most important properties people look for in an oral care ingredient. (7)

It’s also important to understand that using cinnamon as an ingredient in one’s health is nothing new. In fact, cinnamon has been common practice in Ayurvedic remedies for hundreds of years. It has also been used consistently throughout history due to its amazing health-boosting properties, and even today more studies are ongoing as to how much of a punch this small seasoning and truly essential oil can pack. (8)



For all the benefits of cinnamon in one amazing fluoride-free and chemical-free oral care bundle, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Cinnamon Oral Care Trio, a handmade bundle that will prevent cavities, reduce plaque, and boost your overall oral health!









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Though everyone knows that cinnamon is an effective health booster capable of remedying a series of health problems, not many people know that cinnamon contains a slew of other health benefits too. One of these benefits is that cinnamon contains a massive amount of calcium, which can help strengthen your bones and maintain that strength over time.

Cinnamon is also a great counter to the sugary drinks and foods that can have you running to an oral health professional rather than taking care of your teeth at home. This simple swap can lead to less oral care problems that can cause surgery and day-to-day discomfort. (9)


Cinnamon helps to ward off tooth sensitivity, making it one of the most important natural ingredients one can use in oral care. Enjoy stronger and less sensitive teeth today by using GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL CINNAMON ORAL CARE TRIO!


Cinnamon also works with other ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS, helping to reduce the pain of general soreness and discomfort. For example, a simple mix of honey and cinnamon can even work to fight against allergies and the common cold, whose symptoms can be easily felt in your mouth and throat. (10)


FUN FACT: Cinnamon contains many micro-nutrients that can boost your oral and bodily health, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Strengthen your oral health with these minerals and more by using GARNER’S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL CINNAMON ORAL CARE TRIO today! (11)


Another reason why cinnamon is great for your oral health is because it contains flavonoids – which not only can reduce tooth pain and inflammation, but can also lessen any swelling as a result of oral care issues you may have had or may be suffering from. It is also a gentle way to soothe gums and help fight the spread of gingivitis, which can harm your oral health both in the short and long term.

Cinnamon oil also helps to fight what’s called porphyromonas gingivalis, which is a major cause of debilitating gum problems. Stopping these problems before they begin can help you to keep away periodontal disease and other gum problems that can cause you pain and discomfort down the line (and hopefully save you a trip to the dentist too!). (12)

The other reason cinnamon is such an effective oral care ingredient is simply because it is powerful. Even a drop of cinnamon can help prevent tooth decay, as well as stave off gum problems that can compound and lead to further problems down the line. (13)


Remember ... maintaining your oral health with the power of cinnamon is an all-day job!


Enjoy the health-boosting power of cinnamon and all-natural, chemical-free fluoride-free ingredients all day and on the go with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Travel Size Cinnamon Oral Care Trio and 100% All-Natural Jumbo Size Cinnamon Oral Care Trio!






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