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How To Prevent AND Reverse Receding Gums!

Smile With Confidence Today!


When it comes to oral care, it's often your teeth that get the most attention. And that makes sense. After all, your teeth are what people usually see first when you smile.

But did you know that the health of your gums is just as important as your teeth health? In fact, taking proper care of your gums means taking proper care of your teeth too.

This is because your gums surround your teeth roots, and even your jaw, making protecting your gums essential for maintaining strong oral health. (1)

In this blog, we discuss what receding gums are, how to PREVENT IT, and how to REVERSE IT TODAY!




To understand what receding gums are, we first need to know the purpose of your gums.

Much like the role of your skin, the purpose of your gums is to protect your teeth from bacteria and all that nasty food buildup trying to hurt the bones of your teeth. (2)

Your gums - which also have a medical name (gingiva) - can be considered a sealant or barrier. They are actually attached to your teeth, forming an important wall between the important bones of your teeth and everything that could do them harm. (3)


FUN FACT: Tartar can build up below your gum line, making it hard to properly clean all your teeth. Clean those hard to reach places every time by swishing all areas of your mouth with an ALL-NATURAL MOUTHWASH! (4)


Another thing to consider when it comes to your gum health is that although you can't really see them, there are blood vessels that run through your gums.

Why is this important? Well, you have blood vessels throughout your entire body, which means problems with your gums may be related to other problems or diseases you may be suffering from or at risk of. (5)

And something else many people don't realize is that you can clearly see your gums when you smile, which is just one more reason to take good care of them! (6)


Feel even more confident with your smile by restoring your gum and tooth health with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Tooth Powder, which prevents cavities, whitens teeth, and removes plaque!




It's important to know that even though the gum tissue around your mouth may be easily overlooked, it can also easily disintegrate and deteriorate away.

This is called receding gums, and can be very dangerous to your oral (and overall bodily) health. That's because receding gums leave areas of space from which bacteria can attack your teeth, which you definitely don't want. (7)

And receding gums affects more than just the top of your teeth. In fact, receding gums leaves your roots and lower part of your teeth vulnerable, which might not be easily spotted. (8)


FUN FACT: The most common cause of gum recession is gum disease. Jump start your gum protection today by OXY PULLING for 30 seconds before brushing! (9)


Now the problem with receding gums is that once you start to develop those areas of space along your gumline, bacteria can hide away and start breaking down the structure of your teeth.

Now it's important to know that this may take time. Gum recession is a slower process, but it's also a dangerous one, with consequences as severe as tooth loss and periodontal disease. (10)

And this shrinking of your gums is significant, as, over time, receding gums can leave almost your entire tooth root exposed. (8)


Penetrate the areas between your gums and teeth by using Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Oxy Pulling Pre-Brush Oral Rinse, which removes AND repels plaque, draws toxins, and whitens teeth!




Believe it or not, gum recession is not something that's easily identified, especially in the early stages. But that's why it's extra important you be mindful of its symptoms.

One of the earliest signs that your gums are receding is tooth sensitivity. Second, gum recession can be potentially identified by seeing a small little notch near your gumline, which may seem like nothing, but could actually be a precursor to full on recession. (11)

And if you do happen to see your gums beginning to recede, that could actually be a precursor to what's called early periodontitis - a serious gum problem. (12)


FUN FACT: Teeth starting to look longer? This can also be a sign of receding gums! Restore your oral health today by following an EFFECTIVE, ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE ROUTINE! (13)


In addition to the obvious (your gums receding), another sign of gum recession is bad breath.

Although this can be attributed to many different factors, bad breath and a general bad taste in your mouth can be a sign that your gums are beginning to recede. (14)

Swollen gums, bleeding, and general gum soreness are also potential indicators that your gums are receding, as is having loose teeth, which can be caused by gum recession as well. (15)


Kill that odor-causing bacteria in your mouth right now by using Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Breath Freshener Spray, which cleans teeth and gums, while protecting you from cavities!






Now that we've covered a lot of the negative stuff associated with receding gums, you may be thinking to yourself, "Great. I'm doomed." Well, that's not true. In fact gum recession can be NATURALLY REVERSED!

Gums are organic tissue, which means something awesome - some believe your gums can recover from the damage they've incurred. (16)

One great way to reverse receding gums is by using OILS. The right ALL-NATURAL OILS will not only kill bacteria in those tough-to-reach places, but they'll also stop your gums from receding because of that bacteria. (17)


FUN FACT: The number one cause of adult tooth loss is gum disease. The Food Grade H202 found in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL MOUTHWASH effectively decreases plaque formation and controls gum disease! (18)


The most important thing to consider when reversing gum recession is that you need to get rid of all that plaque buildup and tartar under your gums and on the roots of your teeth.

BRUSHING YOUR TEETH at least twice a day will help remove this bacteria and enable your gums to be better protected against worsening gum recession. (19)

Furthermore, deep cleanings by dentists can provide what's called root planing or scaling, which effectively removes bacteria from your teeth, providing your gums a chance to recover and fight back against recession! (20)


For an antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-viral remedy to your dental problems, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Antibacterial Mouthwash, which freshens breath, reduces inflammation, and remedies gum disease!





Even easier than reversing receding gums is just preventing them in the first place. And one of the best ways to do that is by having a PROPER, EFFECTIVE, ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE ROUTINE!

It's also important that you see your dental professional twice per year, as many problems pertaining to your health can be stopped if caught early enough. (21)

Another way to prevent receding gums is by being gentle when brushing your teeth. You should also use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and be sure you're managing any grinding you're doing to your teeth. (22)


FUN FACT: Dry mouth can leave you vulnerable to bacterial infections and receding gums. Stay fresh in between brushings with an ALL-NATURAL BREATH FRESHENER! (23)


Aside from brushing and flossing, to prevent receding gums, you should also take care of the rest of your body. This includes quitting smoking and eating a good, balanced diet.

You should also keep an active eye on any differences you feel inside your mouth. As mentioned before, catching things early is important, so see a dental professional if you have any questions about your oral health. (24)

It's also important that you seek the advice of a dental professional if you have a bite that's not aligned. They could help remedy this problem before it leads to receding gums. (25)


Now it's important to remember - restoring your gum health is all about having a great ALL-NATURAL ORAL CARE ROUTINE!


For healthier gums, whiter teeth, and overall stronger dental protection, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Oral Care Trio, which includes our All-Natural Oxy Pulling Pre-Brush Oral Rinse, All-Natural Antibacterial Mouthwash, and our All-Natural Tooth Powder!


SUBSCRIBE and SAVE 15% today by clicking HERE!



And to help your kids remedy gum disease, fight bad breath, and decrease plaque formation, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Kid's Mouthwash and Tooth Powder Package, which contains our All-Natural Kid's Mouthwash and our All-Natural Kid's Tooth Powder!







  1. https://duvalldentalcenter.com/healthy-gums-why-are-they-so-important/
  2. https://yourcommunitydental.com/understanding-the-importance-of-healthy-gums/
  3. https://pittsburghsmilemakeover.com/blog/2674146-the-importance-of-gum-health/
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/conditions/periodontal-disease.html
  5. http://www.mysantarosadentist.com/blog/2019/11/26/why-your-gums-are-so-important-to-your-health/
  6. https://bethesdafamilydentistry.com/why-is-gum-health-important/
  7. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/receding_gums_causes-treatments
  8. https://www.humana.com/learning-center/health-and-wellbeing/healthy-living/receding-gums
  9. https://woodlandhillsdentist.org/woodland-hills-ca/i-think-my-gums-are-receding/
  10. http://www.santamonicaperio.com/blog/2021/2/28/what-can-i-do-about-receding-gums/
  11. https://premierperiodontics.com/dental-blog/five-reasons-why-you-may-have-receding-gums
  12. https://crest.com/en-us/oral-care-tips/gum-health/gum-disease-pictures-what-do-healthy-gums-look-like
  13. https://www.metrodental.com/blog/5-warning-signs-gum-disease/
  14. https://glendaleperiodontics.com/can-receding-gums-be-reversed/
  15. https://www.wakedentalcare.com/receding-gums-symptoms/
  16. https://advanceddentalartsnyc.com/reverse-receding-gums-naturally/
  17. https://www.shinedentalgroup.com/dental-services/periodontics/5-ways-gum-recession-can-be-reversed/
  18. https://lamasdental.com/reverse-receding-gums/
  19. https://www.garlanddavisdds.com/reverse-periodontitis
  20. https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/gum-disease/can-receding-gums-grow-back
  21. https://www.healthline.com/health/receding-gums-treatment#outlook
  22. https://www.smilesbydixon.com/why-are-my-gums-receding
  23. https://www.bowlanedental.com/how-to-stop-your-gums-receding/
  24. https://thelandingdentalspa.com/receding-gums-causes-treatment-and-prevention/
  25. https://thehomewardbounddentist.com/tips-to-prevent-receding-gums/
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