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How To Naturally Sweat Without The Stank!

Live Stank-Free Today!


Okay, so we've all been out somewhere, dancing, having a good time, working up a nice sweat, when BAM! We look down and see those dreaded sweat stains. And worse, smell that oniony smell we all know too well. Well, here's a secret ...




That's because sweat itself doesn't actually have a smell. So it's time to put all that hate-talk about sweat out of your mind, and get you loving the summer and your smell again. (1)

And thankfully, it's now easier than ever to do just that, and it begins with using ALL-NATURAL MAGNESIUM DEODORANT SPRAY, which offers you the ability to sweat without smelling.

So let's dive into this feel-good blog, where we talk about how to naturally sweat WITHOUT THE STANK!





Want to sweat freely without the stank?



First thing's first - stop hating your sweat. Sweat is necessary and important in helping you maintain your normal internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees, releasing heat, and cooling you down before you can overheat.

Though we all sweat at different levels for many reasons (age, muscle mass, health status, etc), your sweat enables you to better handle unpredictable things in life, from humidity to spicy foods to caffeine. (2)

It's important to remember that sweating is essential for maintaining optimal bodily health, but body odor isn't. And there is a way to PREVENT BODY ODOR while still sweating healthily. And that begins with showering, drying off, and then paying special attention to your armpits. (3)


FUN FACT: Sweat is important because it removes waste from your body. Rid yourself of unwanted waste while still smelling great by using GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL MAGNESIUM DEODORANT SPRAY today! (4)


The reason you may be suffering from unwanted body odor has more to do with bacteria than sweat, which is why choosing the RIGHT DEODORANT is so important. In fact, choosing the wrong one can actually sustain bacteria longer and make you smell worse.


What people perceive as body odor is actually a reaction with the bacteria on your skin!


Many people are now finding that the wrong deodorant and antiperspirant can actually facilitate bacteria and contribute to the likelihood of suffering from body odor after activity. They also advise focusing on ways to inhibit your bacterial growth rather than picking a certain over-the-counter antiperspirant. (1) (5) (6)

More specifically, researchers have found that a specific group of enzymes in the bacterium Staphylococcus hominis are capable of turning sweat into thioalcohols, contributing to unwanted body odor. (7)


To instantly kill the bacteria that causes body odor, check out Garner's Garden All-New 100% All-Natural Magnesium Deodorant Spray, which contains therapeutic-grade essential oils that will please your senses with each application!


Check Out All Four Varieties:




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So now that we know that sweat isn't bad and bacteria is, we can better understand how to sweat without the stank. So, the obvious way to do this would be to simply get rid of your bacteria. And the best way to do that is by using ALL-NATURAL MAGNESIUM DEODORANT.

Magnesium is a strong and proven ingredient at fighting body odor, as it's not only antibacterial, but has also been found to prevent the adherence of bacteria and the formation of biofilm. (8)


Magnesium fends off body odor because of its natural antibacterial properties!


Magnesium is so effective and important at sustaining healthy cellular function that not using it can have devastating consequences, including poor cellular repair and unhealthy aging, which can affect human longevity. (9)


FUN FACT: Hot weather and exercise can make body odor worse, and has even been linked to smelly feet. Take control over your summer and smell great today by using GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL MAGNESIUM DEODORANT SPRAY! (10)


Further research has shown that magnesium alloy also contains strong antibacterial properties due to associated alkalinity. This effect is so powerful that it's been researched whether magnesium can be utilized with other metals to provide an antibacterial boost to whatever its found in.

Magnesium works so well with other ingredients that it's believed to be synergistic at killing bacteria, which is why magnesium ions can withstand corrosion and potential effectiveness loss when combined with other ingredients. (11)

And considering a pathogen on the surface of bacteria called the endotoxin adversely triggers our immune system, being able to kill bacteria with magnesium enables you the best opportunity to smell your best all summer long. (12)


For the best odor protection that will having you smelling great and moving freely all summer, check out the following hand-crafted armpit regimen specially crafted by your friends at GARNER'S GARDEN:


1. Spray your armpits 6 times with 100% All-Natural Pre-Wash Armpit Spray and shower.

2: Wash with 100% All-Natural Organic Armpit Wash.

3. Pat dry and spray your armpits 6 times with 100% All-Natural Post-Wash Armpit Spray.

4. Spray wet armpits 6 times with 100% All-Natural Magnesium Deodorant Spray.




Want to sweat freely without the stank?





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  1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/whats-that-smell-common-and-less-common-causes-of-body-odor
  2. https://www.henryford.com/blog/2019/09/science-of-sweat-why-some-people-perspire-more
  3. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/reduce-body-odor
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/beat-b-o-and-smell-fresh-hacks
  5. https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/beauty-style/9-reasons-your-sweat-smells
  6. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17865-body-odor#:~:
  7. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150330213947.htm
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6835631/
  9. https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/what-are-the-health-benefits-of-magnesium/
  10. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/body-odour-bo/
  11. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264127520308868
  12. https://time.com/6082321/your-body-odor-says-about-you/
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