Talc-Free = Healthy!

There are certain ingredients people hear about a lot, usually for negative reasons, and many times they don't really know why. One of these ingredients happens to be talc.
Unfortunately, because the very real dangers of talc are usually hushed by over-the-counter manufacturers, people still use this dangerous ingredient.
Well, we have some great news. Not only is there more information than ever about the dangers of talc, but there are new HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES you can feel confident with you and your loved ones using.
In this blog we talk about the dangers of talc, and ALL-NATURAL ALTERNATIVES you can use today!
The first thing you should know about talc is that, in its purest form, it contains asbestos. Yup. Right off the bat, we're going there. And asbestos is known to cause cancer when inhaled.
And believe it or not, talc is used in a variety of over-the-counter cosmetics, from baby powders to adult face and body powders to other common goods as well. (1)
If that doesn't infuriate you, listen to this: the FDA does NOT require over-the-counter cosmetic products to share their safety information with them! They even say it on their website. So the best way to stay safe is to do your research and protect your family by AVOIDING TALC at all costs. (2)
WARNING: Even asbestos-free talc should be avoided in the pelvic areas! Keep your skin dry and fresh all day long with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL TALC-FREE BODY POWDER! (3)
Talc is most often associated with baby powder, and that's for good reason. After all, the primary ingredient in most over-the-counter baby powders is talc. And this is a big problem.
Many pediatricians actually recommend not using baby powder because of the increased risk of chronic disease, respiratory problems, and lung damage associated with it. (4)
And powdered forms of talc are even more dangerous, as using talc when in powdered form makes it easier to both absorb the talc into your body and also to breathe it in, which can cause long-term harm. (5)
To absorb moisture, safely deodorize, and refresh your skin today, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Talc-Free Body Powder, which is CRUELTY-FREE, TALC-FREE, and SAFE for use on children and adults!
And once you've finished your initial supply, fill up with our 100% All-Natural Talc-Free Body Powder Refill Package!
Also see our 100% All-Natural Bottle and Refill Package!
And for best results, pair our 100% All-Natural Talc-Free Body Powder with our 100% All-Natural Body Oil to stay fresh all summer long!
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The asbestos found in so many talcum powders not only causes mesothelioma, but it can also cause cancer in the ovaries, larynx, and lungs.
And the concerns about talc are only growing. This is because labs still found traces of asbestos in talcum powders after manufacturers had claimed their product was talcum free. (6)
The bottom line is you can't in good conscience be certain your over-the-counter talcum product is truly asbestos free. This is further proven by the fact that asbestos and talc can naturally form together. (7)
WARNING: Talcum powder poisoning can occur over time. Break the cycle and protect your baby's future today by using GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL TALC-FREE BABY POWDER! (8)
Though there are surprisingly no limits on the amount of asbestos that can be cosmetic talc, there is a panel called the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) whose goal it is to determine guidance and safety assessments.
But there's a problem with this: the CIR is an industry-driven group, meaning these potentially dangerous over-the-counter companies are really just policing themselves - not exactly the greatest authority to trust if they're also poisoning you. (9)
And not only are the obvious dangers of talc clear in regards to cancer and other long-term health problems, but talc can also cause skin irritation and eye problems. (10)
To keep your baby's sensitive skin fresh and dry all day long, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Talc-Free Baby Powder, which is both antibacterial and free from harmful chemicals, including talc!
Available in Unscented and Lavender Varieties!
And once you've finished your initial supply, fill up with our 100% All-Natural Unscented and Lavender Refill Packages!
Also see our 100% All-Natural Bottle and Refill Package Available In Unscented and Lavender Varieties!
And for best results, pair our 100% All-Natural Talc-Free Baby Powder with our 100% All-Natural Moisturizing Baby Oil to keep your baby's skin refreshed and smooth all season long!
And Don't Forget To Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube!