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slctvrnt:--::|~|:shwqty:--:true:|~|:qty:--:1:|~|:prdurl:--:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-4518630:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:checkout:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-4518630:|~|:prdbdhtml:--:
Exclusive offer - 10% OFF! 
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This package contains our most popular oral care products, bundled together for your convenience. You will receive one of the following products:
  • Oxy Pulling pre-brush oral rinse
  • Natural Mouthwash 
  • Tooth Powder

*Reduced strength (mouthwash) and sensitive formula (oxy pulling) are for those customers with pre-existing oral ailments, such as sensitive teeth, gum issues, and other oral diseases. We advise to start with the reduced strength options and work your way up to the regular strength. 

**Organic tooth powder includes the added benefits of organic neem and organic peppermint powders added to the tooth powder.

:|~|:mcontclstclass:--:cluster-padding-medium zpa-container cac-4518631:|~|:mcontclass:--:ba-4518631:|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:funnel-page-oral-care-trio:|~|:descclass:--:pda-4518630:|~|:clstid:--:1256538:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-medium ba-4518632:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart
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This package contains our most popular oral care products, bundled together for your convenience. You will receive one of the following products:
  • Oxy Pulling pre-brush oral rinse
  • Natural Mouthwash 
  • Tooth Powder

*Reduced strength (mouthwash) and sensitive formula (oxy pulling) are for those customers with pre-existing oral ailments, such as sensitive teeth, gum issues, and other oral diseases. We advise to start with the reduced strength options and work your way up to the regular strength. 

**Organic tooth powder includes the added benefits of organic neem and organic peppermint powders added to the tooth powder.

:|~|:mcontclstclass:--:cluster-padding-medium zpa-container cac-4519063:|~|:mcontclass:--:ba-4519063:|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:funnel-page-oral-care-trio:|~|:descclass:--:pda-4519062:|~|:clstid:--:1256637:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-medium ba-4519061:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart
slctvrnt:--::|~|:shwqty:--:true:|~|:qty:--:1:|~|:prdurl:--:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-4519127:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-4519127:|~|:prdbdhtml:--:
This package contains our most popular oral care products, bundled together for your convenience. You will receive one of the following products:
  • Oxy Pulling pre-brush oral rinse
  • Natural Mouthwash 
  • Tooth Powder

*Reduced strength (mouthwash) and sensitive formula (oxy pulling) are for those customers with pre-existing oral ailments, such as sensitive teeth, gum issues, and other oral diseases. We advise to start with the reduced strength options and work your way up to the regular strength. 

**Organic tooth powder includes the added benefits of organic neem and organic peppermint powders added to the tooth powder.

:|~|:mcontclstclass:--:cluster-padding-medium zpa-container cac-4519128:|~|:mcontclass:--:ba-4519128:|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:funnel-page-oral-care-trio:|~|:descclass:--:pda-4519127:|~|:clstid:--:1256657:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-medium ba-4519129:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart
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