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Maskne: What Is It, and How To Prevent It Today!

Maskne: What Is It, and How To Prevent It Today!

Safety AND Smooth Skin First!



We’ve all been through a lot these last couple of years, and we've all had to make changes to our daily routine to help protect ourselves and others. One of these changes in our lives is wearing a mask.

And though wearing masks is recommended by the CDC to help stop the spread of COVID, we've had to deal with a side effect of this new way of life. (1)


Its name?




But MASKNE IS PREVENTABLE. And with winter causing many of us to head back indoors, we could all use a crash course in how to prevent maskne and get back to our glowing selves, all the while remaining safe and healthy.

In this blog we talk about what maskne is, how it’s caused, and ways you can keep your skin smooth and radiant all winter long!




Maskne is more than just acne under your mask. Maskne is a general term used to classify an assortment of skin problems that arise out of wearing a face covering. (2)

And maskne works quick. People can develop maskne from mask-wearing after just one day, making it all the more important to understand what it is and how to PREVENT it! (3)

First, maskne is nothing new. In fact, many people, from scientists to construction workers, have been dealing with maskne for years. It's only since the pandemic that more and more people are seeing its effects.


QUICK TIP: Your lips are even more sensitive than the skin on your fingers! Keep your lips from drying out under your mask with 100% ALL-NATURAL LIP BALM and look your glossy best all winter long! (4)


Maskne is actually a real medical condition. To doctors, maskne is known as acne mechanica. This condition occurs when acne is caused by pressure and friction upon the skin. (5)

Acne mechanica worsens over time, with further inflammation growing on the surface of your skin after just two weeks. (6)

And it doesn't just affect your face. Acne mechanica/maskne affects any part of your body affected by a covering. (5)

And don't even think about applying your standard facial acne cream, either. Maskne is a completely different condition than acne vulgaris (common acne), and needs to be remedied differently. (8)




All it takes is a slight amount of irritation from your mask to cause maskne. (8)

This is because your mask burns your face, putting your nose and ears in a constant struggle that leads to increased pressure on your skin. This pressure then leads friction and chafing, which then leads to irritation and a buildup of dirt, oil, and bacteria. (9)

It's also common to suffer an allergic reaction to the fabric of your mask, or for people with sensitive skin to suffer from adverse reactions to the material of your mask, which can lead to maskne. (2)


QUICK TIP: Perioral dermatitis is common for those with maskne. This develops when pustules and pimples grow around your nose and mouth. Use an ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH, and wash away the acne today! (10)


The most common types of acne are caused by your pores getting clogged up with dirt and oil. The same idea applies to maskne, only masks compound the problem because there is less circulation and space for your pores to breathe. (12)

Your breath and sweat can also get trapped under your mask, which deepens the dirt buildup of your pores, leading to maskne and skin irritation. (13)

All of this contributes to the heat and humidity under your mask and a lack of circulation. The unfortunate consequence of this is extra oil buildup and, of course, maskne. (14)




Maskne doesn’t only apply to acne. Maskne also refers to rosacea, folliculitis, and several types of dermatitis. (15)

And stress has been proven to make maskne worse, so spray your sheets and pillow with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Sleep Mist With Lavender Essential Oil, and sleep away the stress and dermatitis today! (16)


Although maskne can seem like an inevitability to your skin, there are ways you can prevent it and keep your skin smooth and radiant all winter long!



As simple as it sounds, the best way to prevent a buildup of dirt and oil on your face is by washing it.

Wash your face with a GENTLE ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH each morning, night, and after sweating and wearing your mask. Though this seems like a lot, it’s absolutely recommended to do this with an ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH. (17)

Effectively prevent maskne with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Organic Face Wash, safe for multiple uses a day and all skin types; effectively removes excess dirt and oil!



Also check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Foaming Black Soap, which is infused with oxygen and therapeutic grade essential oils to remedy acne-prone skin; check out our MEN and WOMEN varieties!




Using an ALL-NATURAL FACE WASH is necessary multiple times a day to prevent maskne, but sometimes you need that extra something to get rid of all that excess bacteria and free radicals of the day.

Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Antibacterial Facial Cleanser penetrates your outer layer of skin, giving you a deep cleaning; also contains neem oil, which fights acne from developing, all the while not clogging pores!


And Don't Forget The Toner!


Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Pure Facial Toner uses pure witch hazel and aloe vera juice to minimize dryness and remove extra dirt and oil under your mask!




You should always moisturize after washing your face, but this is extra important when trying to prevent maskne.

This is because moisturizers serve as a barrier between your skin and your mask, keeping the fabric of the mask from directly irritating you. (18)


For long-lasting moisture, check out Garner's Garden 100% All Natural 4D Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Layer, which penetrates layers deep to lock in your hydration and soften skin!


Also check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural 4D Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum, which pulls double-duty as an all-natural sunscreen, bolstering the barrier between your skin and mask!




And for extra protection from maskne, use Garner’s Garden 100% All-Natural Normalizing Face Oil, which regulates the overproduction of oil and doesn't clog pores; perfect for preventing maskne!





Facial hair, including thick beards, can make you more likely to suffer from maskne because of the increased heat and moisture. (19)


For the fullest facial hair free from dryness and acne, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Beard Butter, which conditions your facial hair and maintains your hair's strength and health!




Also check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Beard Oil, which replenishes nutrients into your beard to help you develop full, healthy facial hair free from maskne!



And for the the ultimate anti-maskne facial hair regimen, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Beard Package, which includes our 100% All-Natural Foaming Black Soap, 100% All-Natural Beard Oil, 100% All-Natural Beard Butter, 100% All-Natural Antibacterial Facial Cleanser, and 100% All-Natural Hydrosol Skin Booster!








  1. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/maskne
  3. https://www.midlandskin.co.uk/maskne/
  4. https://www.medikaur.com/news/2020/12/10/11-fascinating-lip-facts
  5. https://www.healthline.com/health/acne-mechanica
  6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/123732/
  7. https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/acne-mechanica-caused-skin-skin-friction
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/13/rash-irritation-downsides-face-masks-how-to-protect-skin-according-to-doctors.html
  9. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-tips-to-avoid-maskne-skin-irritation
  10. https://www.aocd.org/page/PerioralDermatitis
  11. https://healthmatters.nyp.org/what-is-maskne-and-what-causes-it/
  12. https://www.sharecare.com/health/acne-skin-pimples/is-pimple-caused-by-dirt
  13. https://www.unitypoint.org/article.aspx?id=875c8028-4b3c-4f7a-8e69-491724585746
  14. https://www.today.com/style/how-avoid-acne-wearing-face-masks-t179699
  15. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/maskne#definition
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/25/health/maskne-acne-covid-masks-wellness/index.html
  17. https://www.healthline.com/health/maskne#treatment
  18. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nomanazish/2021/02/28/how-to-treat-and-prevent-maskne-according-to-dermatologists/
  19. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/the-struggle-with-maskne-is-very-real/
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