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BREAKING NEWS: Benzene In Over-The Counter Cosmetics Linked To Cancer!

Break Away From Benzene Today!



Let's be honest - personal care is supposed to be fun. From shopping to buying to applying, at the end of your beauty experience, you should be feeling great, healthy, and happy.  But what if I told you that there's a secret chemical in many over-the-counter products researchers have found to be dangerous to your health?

That's right. Researchers have found the cancer-causing chemical benzene in everything from over-the-counter shampoos, conditioners, antiperspirant sprays, and deodorants just in the past year alone, leading to dangerous chronic exposure risks. (1)

But before you start to panic, it's not too late to get off the benzene bandwagon and hitch yourself to something ALL-NATURAL that will BOOST your health and REVERSE your negative health risks.

In this blog we talk about the dangers of benzene in over-the-counter cosmetics, and how you can achieve your BEST HEALTH and BEST SELF today!






Want to smell great benzene-free?



The first thing to know about benzene is that it's toxic. Whether you breathe it in, swallow it, or simply touch it, benzene is harmful to your health. Now here's the problem with this - benzene is found in over-the-counter products you come across every day.

The prevalence of benzene is a serious concern. Here's why: the Environmental Protection Agency calls benzene a known human carcinogen. More specifically, this over-the-counter chemical causes leukemia, blood-related cancers, and serious harm to your blood cells. (2)

And the damage it causes to your blood cells isn't limited to simple interference. Benzene also damages your bone marrow, causing it to produce far less red blood cells than you need, potentially leading to anemia. (3)


WARNING: Despite its health risks and life-threatening complications, benzene is one of the 20 most commonly used chemicals in the country. Take your life back and GO ALL-NATURAL today with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCTS! (4)


The aforementioned warnings about benzene are not simply scare tactics. This is real information, and real facts. Truthfully, benzene exposure increases your risk of cancer by as much as 40 percent, and even low amounts of benzene have been connected to fatal cancers.


Synthetic dyes containing benzene pose serious dangers to both your health and the environment.


And the scariest thing about this over-the-counter chemical is that it easily absorbs through your skin. I'll repeat that - a dangerous chemical in over-the-counter skin care products absorbs through your skin. This makes using over-the-counter products containing benzene as dangerous as spilling gasoline on yourself or smoking cigarettes - other common exposures to benzene. (5) (6)

But choosing to ditch benzene starts with YOU. That's because the FDA doesn't regulate these over-the-counter manufacturers like they should, or regularly test their products for dangerous chemicals like benzene. So, protecting yourself and protecting your health begins with choosing ALL-NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCTS meant to help you, not hurt you. (7)


For an ALL-NATURAL DEODORANT free from dangerous artificial chemicals like benzene, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Magnesium Deodorant Spray, which is invisible once applied to your skin, dries immediately, and NATURALLY kills odor-causing bacteria without harming your health!


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Everyone knows that benzene is bad for you. So the obvious question is that, in 2022, why would such a dangerous chemical be in over-the-counter products? Well, the answer may scare you: companies don't legally need to test their products for benzene!

In fact, if you want to know if your product contains benzene in it, YOU as a consumer need to take your product to be tested in an independent lab. And this is serious, as even the Environmental Working Group (EWG) says there is absolutely no safe amount of benzene for your health. So be smart and choose your ALL-NATURAL SKIN CARE wisely. (8)


More and more manufacturers, including Johnson & Johnson, have recently recalled products due to benzene contamination.


You also may be wondering if benzene can be easily washed off with water, thus dampening its dangerous properties. Well, the answer is that benzene evaporates rapidly when mixed with water, meaning being around contaminated water exposes you to the dangers of benzene anyway. (9)


WARNING: Over 95% of synthetic fragrances come from petrochemicals like benzene. Smell your best with the ALL-NATURAL FRAGRANCES in GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCTS today! (10) (11)


Now if you're thinking that since this previously taboo subject is now out in the open, everything will be alright and safe, think again. Just last year, Johnson & Johnson recalled products due to benzene exposure, and the independent laboratory Vasilure found over 50 sunscreen products containing benzene.

Some companies claim they don't know how this benzene is getting in their products, claiming that it's not an intended ingredient - but that doesn't help those infected. The bottom line is that excuses don't matter, and benzene is becoming an increasingly dangerous chemical with a far more-reaching net than people previously thought. (12) (13)

Unfortunately, though, some people think of themselves as immortal, and that long-term health complications can be dealt in the long-term, and none of it matters now. Well, even in the short-term, benzene causes irritation on your skin and nervous system problems, so no matter how you look at it, it's essential that you GO ALL-NATURAL today! (14)



Not only is going ALL-NATURAL safe and healthy, but it's EFFECTIVE too! For complete benzene-free armpit freshness you will enjoy all day and night, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Armpit Cleanser Package!







Want to smell great benzene-free?






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  1. https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer-products/Finding-benzene-everywhere-look/100/i1
  2. https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-is-benzene
  3. https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/benzene/basics/facts.asp
  4. https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/chemicals/benzene.html
  5. https://www.drugwatch.com/benzene/
  6. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/PHS/PHS.aspx?phsid=37&toxid=14
  7. https://www.southernliving.com/fashion-beauty/beauty-makeup/what-is-benzene
  8. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2022/03/why-cancer-causing-benzene-widespread-personal-care-products
  9. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/chemical/benzene.htm
  10. https://www.organicbeautyaward.com/articles/how-to-avoid-benzene-in-cosmetics-and-what-the-experts-say-about-this-chemical-273
  11. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/five-mustknows-on-the-dan_b_4737654
  12. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/anti-aging/a37273260/benzene-in-sunscreen/
  13. https://www.valisure.com/blog/valisure-news/valisure-detects-benzene-in-sunscreen/
  14. https://www.byrdie.com/sunscreen-benzene-5186622
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1 comment

  • Kimberly Coleman

    I was looking for a spray deodorant. I already use the oral kit!
    Garner’s Garden replied:
    Hey Kimberly, we recommend our brand new 100% All-Natural Magnesium Deodorant Spray, which kills odor-causing bacteria on contact and won’t stain your clothes. Pair with our Pre Wash Armpit Spray, Organic Armpit Wash, and Post Wash Armpit Spray for maximum effectiveness! Try the whole package, and let us know what you think!

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