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Is Pool Chlorine Destroying Your Skin!

Protect Your Skin When You Swim!


It's summer, which means long days in the sun and not-so-quick dips in the pool. But there's an unintended problem that comes after your favorite summer past time ...




In fact, people are finding that pools cause itchy, dry, and damaged skin, making swimming suddenly a skincare disaster. This common problem even has a name - swimmer's xerosis - and it's causing problematic dermatitis for many. (1)

But thankfully, there are ALL-NATURAL SOLUTIONS to your poolside problem, and ways you can enjoy smooth and radiant skin all summer long.

In this blog we talk about how swimming affects your skin, and ways you can PROTECT YOUR SKIN today!





Want smooth skin post-swim?

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The first thing to know about swimming and its effect on your skin is that swimming pools don't exclusively harm your skin. As a matter of fact, prolonged exposure to any kind of water can damage your skin's all-important barrier.

Extended exposure to water can also remove an important layer of fats on your skin, which is there to protect you and naturally MOISTURIZE your skin without you having to do anything. The end result of swimming is therefore dry and damaged skin. (2)

Unfortunately, pools can damage your skin even worse because of a potential imbalance in chemicals, such as combined chlorine, which is the mix of free chlorine and ammonia, and capable of causing skin irritation. (3)


QUICK TIP: People sensitive to chlorine can suffer from a specific kind of skin irritation called chlorine rash. Hydrate your skin post-swim with the summer freshness of GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL BODY OIL! (4)


The problem chlorine and pool chemicals cause can be far more serious than just skin irritation. These chemicals strip you of your natural oils - the same oils responsible for maintaining your moisture - making your dryness even worse.


An imbalance in chlorine and pool chemicals can lead to dry and irritated skin.


Chlorine and these other chemicals also lead to patchy skin that can be terribly painful, with the potential for blisters and scales that can make you want to cover up rather than go for another lap in the deep end. (5)

Chlorinated water also opens your pores and leads to the premature aging of your skin, which is something you definitely don't want to be thinking about when enjoying summertime fun in the pool. (6)


To protect and rehydrate your skin post-swim with the soothing and moisturizing power of rice bran, sweet almond, Vitamin E oil, and jojoba, check out Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Body Oil, which will soften your skin and provide you an all-natural glow!


Check Out The Following All-Natural Varieties:



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To be able to swim comfortably and enjoy smooth skin without the stress of dryness and itchiness, you need to know whether your pool is in balance. This is because an imbalance in the alkalinity and pH of a pool is the main cause of dry and itchy skin.

You can know if your pool is out of balance by testing the water chemistry of the pool you're swimming in. If this isn't possible, you can simply smell it. For example, chlorine has no odor, but develops its well-known smell after combining with waste. So, if you smell heavy scents of chlorine, you might want to steer clear of the water. (7)

Swimming in imbalanced, chlorinated water is so damaging to your skin because it can damage your skin and pores over time. This is why it is so important to not only moisturize, but also to RESTORE your skin's pH and WASH all those dangerous chemicals off your skin post-swim. (8)


QUICK TIP: Even tap water has chlorine in it. Moisturize your skin after washing and showering with GARNER'S GARDEN 100% ALL-NATURAL BODY OIL, and enjoy smooth and radiant skin all summer long! (9)


Being hydrated is actually an essential part of any swimmer's post-swim activity. This extends to both MOISTURIZING your skin AND staying hydrated with water, which will help control a potentially fluctuating body temperature common after swimming.


It's important to protect your moisture level before and after swimming and showering.


Staying hydrated in addition to MOISTURIZING is also essential because the less hydrated you are, the more likely it is that your skin will absorb the water from the pool, making matters worse for you and your skin. (10)

The right MOISTURIZER can also protect you from environmental damage, which is common when swimming outside during the summer. With the right ALL-NATURAL MOISTURIZER, you can not only lock in your hydration, but also create a strong barrier to lock in moisture and provide long-lasting smoothness and radiant skin. (11)


After your summertime swim, rehydrate your skin and please your senses with Garner's Garden 100% All-Natural Natural Fragrance Body Oil, which rejuvenates your natural glow and locks in your important moisture!


Check Out The Following All-Natural Varieties:




Want smooth skin post-swim?

Get 15% off our ALL-NATURAL BODY OILS today!





And Don't Forget To Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube!






  1. https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/dermatology/dry-skin-tips-after-swimming
  2. https://www.jackrabbitclass.com/blog/why-swimmers-get-dry-skin/
  3. https://swimpure.com/why-is-my-skin-dry-after-i-swim/
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/chlorine-rash#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
  5. https://www.triathlete.com/gear/swim/why-do-i-get-dry-skin-after-swimming/
  6. https://coloradospringsdermatologyclinic.com/blog/can-swimming-pool-and-hot-tub-chlorine-harm-your-skin/
  7. https://advancedpoolcare.com/why-is-my-skin-dry-after-swimming/
  8. https://www.mydcsi.com/2021/07/22/pool-skin-care-routine/
  9. https://www.allure.com/story/chlorine-and-effects-on-skin
  10. https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/5-skin-care-tips-the-swimmer-version/
  11. https://www.premiermedicalassociates.com/blog/keeping-your-skin-safe-while-swimming-skincare-for-swimmers
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1 comment

  • T Williams

    Thanks for the much-needed info GG!
    I didn’t know there was such a thing as a chlorine rash, but I did notice how dry my skin got after consecutive days of swim lessons this summer. Thankfully, I anxiously wanted to shower as soon as I got home. The combination of the GG Summer Sage soap & natural oil immediately had my skin as good as new!
    Garner’s Garden replied:
    Hey T! Thanks so much for your comment! We know – swimming pools can be devastating to the skin. We’re so happy our Summer Sage Soap and Natural Oil are helping, and considering the heat, they’ll continue to provide your skin the nourishment and hydration you need through the fall too!

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